Monday, May 26, 2014

Driving test preparation-MCQ 1

  • 1You drive towards these people on the road. What should you do?
  • 2At a pedestrian crossing you must-
  • 3If an overtaking vehicle signals that it must move in, in front of you, you should-
  • 4What does this sign mean?
  • 5When you see this sign, you should-
  • 6What does this sign mean?
  • 7You must give way to pedestrians-
  • 8You are in car marked A. You wish to overtake car marked B. You should-
  • 9If you are going out and going to drink alcohol, the best way to avoid having to drink and drive is to-
  • 10What is meant by keeping clear of and giving way to an emergency vehicle which is sounding a siren or displaying flashing blue and/or red lights?
  • 11When driving in wet weather, your vehicle will-

Monday, May 12, 2014


  • The Highway code is a concise collection in laymen's language of the regulation and signs issued under section 237 of the Motor Traffic Act set out in the Government Gazette Extraordinary of 13.3.87.
  • It comprises such directions as appear proper for the guidance of persons using the road as-
                 Pedal cyclists
  • It consist of road signs and road markings designated danger warning signs,Regulatory signs,and informative signs.
  • These regulations are devised to ensure that all road users observe a code of conduct that contributes to safety and maximise the use of very costly road space. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Danger Warning Signs

There are a Multitude of things we encounter everyday which can put us in harm's way.We have heard several times that safety comes first,but the problem is how to comprehend the signs of danger and avert it.
when you walk on a road which is under construction or being renovated,you often see a big signboard displaying the words-'Men At Work',and then you swear at your luck and seek other ways to reach your destination.But what if instead of those three words,you just see a board displaying a yellow angled square with an symbol,and you don't know what it means. 
For the sake of your own safety,you need to be well-versed with the safety symbols,Here's a small account of the popular symbols which are standardized and recognizable signs,used by both government and private institutions.
                         Danger Warning Signs!!